~reflections~musings~inspirations~insights~and life lessons learned by one who is
whole-heartedly, steadfastly, firmly in HIS grip~

Romans 1:6 "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."

Friday, October 17, 2008

Spell Checked

I was working on a story the other day and had a typo in the word "crucifixion." When I spell checked the document these three words were listed as possibilities…

  • ramification
  • reunification
  • gratification

How amazing is that?


  1. that's very cool! thank you for your love, prayers, and encouragement...won't it be cool to see when we finally get to Heaven...how God has used our love, prayers, and encouragement to bring other closer to Him??!!

    i am eternally grateful!


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