~reflections~musings~inspirations~insights~and life lessons learned by one who is
whole-heartedly, steadfastly, firmly in HIS grip~

Romans 1:6 "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Days Gone By...or bye!

I ran across some old photos at my mom's recently and thought I would share them with you. It is amazing the memories pictures and music bring back, isn't it. I hope you enjoy! What can I say? My life is an open book!

From the left. My mother, Patricia; my grandmother, Pearl Ruby Theresa, my uncle's wife, Effie; and my Aunt Katie. This picture was taken when they lived in Louisiana.

Top left: My brother, Dave and Sister Carol, bottom left: My sister Deborah and me!

My favorite outfit from the 3rd grade!

My little sister, Barbie...don't you just love that hair? She still has it today but it is a little darker. She has always been beautiful and has a personality to match!

My little brother, Robert. We call him Butch. This is from my favorite Christmas of all time. It was the last Christmas in the house in town. He wore that Batman costume out! He even jumped off the back porch singing nah, nah, nah, nah, nah....BATMAN. Then they had to go to the hospital for stitches in his chin.

Barbie, Tesa (me) and Butch eating watermelon from the garden. I have no idea what I am wearing...but knowing my mother it was something I picked out on my own and wanted to wear. LOL... I still love fresh watermelon!

OK, so I am standing in the sprinkler with an umbrella...why didn't my mother tell me I was a dork? Why, I ask you, why? Here I thought I was always so smart and clever.

Oh, I loved this bike! It was pink and I felt so free riding it around the neighborhood. It was never the same riding it around the farm.

That's me on the right holding the birthday sign at Romper Room. It was my birthday too! It lasted an entire week...but I never got to see myself on television.

All grown up now...that's Richard. I always thought he would be a doctor when he grew up...instead of healing bodies...he leads teens to the true healer, the Lord.

This is my Uncle Mike, Navy UDT. This is a Vietnam era picture because after that he became a Navy SEAL.

It was about the same time as the above photo that he rescued these guys when they splashed down after their visit to the moon.

Last one...this is a picture of the Kyzer family just after Jake's adoption was final. One of the best days of my life!


  1. What a wonderful trip down memory lane. Thanks for sharing the photos. The watermelon eating tickles me - we all have memories like that from summers gone by.

  2. Loved seeing the old pictures of you. My oldest son was on Romper Room the week of August 2, 1969. I watched him from my hospital room as I had just given birth to our second son and his younger brother by 5 years. Good memories. He was very disallusioned, at age 5, when he found out the "Magic Mirror" was a hoak and you really couldn't see the children in TV land!

  3. We must be thinking along the same lines - I just did a post on memories. Devoted - may your memories made today be special in your tomorrows.


  4. Love all the pics, the one of you eating watermelon reminds me of numerous pics of myself with my cousins Wayne and Greg on our grandmother's back porch, it looked just like the porch in your pic.

  5. oh how amazing! i, too, loved the watermelon pic...oh...life is so short!!

  6. Oh what a wonderful post! This was so much fun! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful memories with us!

  7. Nice pictures and memories, I too remember Romper Room.

  8. Hello, your old photos are great, I would like to invite you to join http://www.myclassicfamily.com
    My Classic Family is a network community where you can Showcase your classic family photos and videos


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