~reflections~musings~inspirations~insights~and life lessons learned by one who is
whole-heartedly, steadfastly, firmly in HIS grip~

Romans 1:6 "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What I love About Sunday

  • Waking up to the smell of bacon and coffee as Jimmy cooks breakfast.
  • Sunday sermons
  • Lunch with the kids
  • Sitting by the fire with a cup of chocolate coffee (cold weather)
  • Spending time outside with the hubs and dogs (warm weather)
  • Reading a book and playing on the computer
  • NAPS!

Here’s what some of my friends said…

Sharon said, “Going to church, then dinner with family/friends and home to relax and read the paper.” [Like me, Sharon is from the south…so remember down here…dinner is not supper.]

Rochelle said, “Church, lunch and an afternoon nap!” [awww…that sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon.]

Amanda (The mother of three boys – two of which are twins!) said, “I’m on E by Saturday night… a little time in God’s word and with others I love…and I’m back on F for the rest of the week!” [Believe me I know how Pastor Steve can dish up a heaping helping of spiritual food during a Sunday morning sermon!] Check out Amanda’s Renewed Each Morning blog at http://auntmaymay.blogspot.com or click on the link under the Blogs that Stir my Heart section in the lower left of this blog.

My cousin and brand new mother to baby Sophie; said, “The Sunday paper and football!”

Becca said, “Church and Sunday afternoon naps on the couch. There’s something about peace and quiet! [I know she isn’t insinuating her two precious young sons are a bit rowdy.]

Kristina; Children’s Minister, Associate Pastor’s /Air Force Wife, mother of four home-schooled children, in college-herself (whew) said, “Worship with other fellow disciples of Jesus!!!! What an amazing thing it is to get together with other believers and just praise our Lord and Savior! I look forward to Sundays and other times I get together with other believers and visit about Him. Doesn’t matter the time of week! We also always eat with Greg’s parents…keeps us close.

Ken just said, “CHURCH and FOOTBALL!”

Christina, yes Christina said, "From mid-Feb till November it's NASCAR!!!!! Oh, and sleeping late." [I'm gonna have to work on that girl!]

Judy said, "CHURCH!!!! and a day of rest."

And finally, from my sister, Deb. "It's the only day you can take it easy without feeling guilty."

OK, OK, I have to add another. This is from Damon, stationed in Dover, DE..."Church and football, Amen Ken. Oh, and lunch with friends."

PLEASE leave a comment and let us know… what it is you love about Sunday?


  1. I used to dislike Sunday's until we found a good church. Now, it's Church, big dinner (lunch), then nap time or a good movie. :) xx

  2. Worshiping and praising God TOGETHER and being fed each & every Sunday by a Godly, Spirit filled, humble, committed pastor who always puts God first.


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